Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Television Censorship Should not be Implied Essay - 536 Words

Television Censorship Should not be Implied Television censorship should not be implied. In the Bill of Rights the first amendment states that we have the â€Å"Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Bill of Rights, 1971). If this country worked so hard in order to gain these rights and preserve them, why would it want to abolish them? The constitution and the United States of America gave people these rights and freedoms so a person should be able to use them as they please. If the law put a barrier on freedom of speech and press then the law might as well put a barrier on the whole first amendment. As some may say that the content being published or shown in the media is immoral and degrading. It must be taken in†¦show more content†¦Parents should pay more attention to what their children watch and read. For instance, parents can always shut off cable television and monitor the reading material kept at home, and always make sure it meets adequate moral standards. People opinions vary to ones own opinion. If Parents wanted to keep children away from sex and violence, everything from medically used informative videos to materials historically based would have to be banned. The television industry is a business with an over populated audience, which should not be held responsible for the morals that are shown. Like every business, their first priority is not to be a babysitter and teach their viewers morals, but to sell their business. It was researched that fifty-nine percent of those who watched an above average amount of violence on television as children were involved in more than the average number of such aggressive incidents later in life. Where were the parents of these children? Why were they let alone to watch whatever they please? It is the job of the parents to show their children morals and raise them so they know what is right from wrong. If the parents do not instill this into their children as a personal responsibility, they should not expect the media to do so. Society must also keep in mind the different variety of audiences. The media cannot please everyone. It must also be understood that many parents do not have control over the situation due to the fact that they are i.e. AShow MoreRelatedEssay about Television Censorship1601 Words   |  7 Pages Television Censorship WHAT IS CENSORSHIP? quot;Censorship is the supervision and control of the information and ideas that are circulated among the people within a society. In modern times, censorship refers to the examination of books, periodicals, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other communication media for the purpose of altering or suppressing parts thought to be objectionable or offensive. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Succubus Shadows Chapter 25 Free Essays

Not even when I felt his life energy come into me. I kept going. He pulled me into his condo, deftly kicking the door shut with his foot. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Shadows Chapter 25 or any similar topic only for you Order Now His arms gripped me close, and we never broke the kiss as we stumbled through the living room and into his bedroom. We fell onto the bed, removing each other’s clothing with practiced ease, almost like Mexico had just been the warm-up. My hands ran over the lean muscles of his chest, the scent of his skin drowning me. Letting down all restraint made me feel that much giddier – as did the sweet, glorious taste of his soul wrapping around me. Was it my imagination, or was it a little purer than it had been in Mexico? Had one decision to come back and face his fears cleaned that darkness even a little? I didn’t know for sure, and even if it wasn’t perfect, the energy still felt amazing. â€Å"Why?† he asked at last. His thoughts and feelings were coming through with the energy, and I’d wondered when he’d bring up the question warring with his desire. His hands continued touching me the whole time, one sliding up between my thighs. â€Å"Why now?† I arched my hips against his, crying out softly as his fingers slid into me. His mouth crushed mine, killing off my response for a moment. â€Å"Because I’m tired of fighting it. You’re right. We’re going to keep coming back to each other over and over†¦.† My eloquent speech was put on hold again when his mouth moved down to my breast, letting his tongue toy with my nipple. â€Å"You’ve said before you’ll risk the shortening of your life†¦. I’ll risk your mortality. I’ll risk it all to be with you†¦to help you. If you still want it†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Yes,† he breathed against my flesh. â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"I won’t leave you alone through this,† I murmured. â€Å"And I don’t want to be alone either†¦.† Those were my last coherent words. He gently rolled himself onto me and slid his hands up my arms so that they could hold my wrists against the bed. I spread my legs, welcoming his body as it pushed into mine. Just like the first time we’d had sex, there was one perfect moment – one moment of astonishing, total completion. Like we’d found something we’d lost and were afraid we’d lose it again if we moved. Then, the metaphysical sentiment was gone, replaced by the driving desire of our bodies. He thrust into me, gently at first, then steadily increased the strength. I stared at him wide-eyed, taking in every feature, refusing to miss one instant of this experience. And believe me, I was getting quite the experience. Aside from the ecstasy of our bodies moving together, I still had his energy and feelings coming in. Knowing what he was thinking as we made love added a whole new dimension to it all. Sometimes with men it would be coherent thoughts. With him, it was just pure emotion. Love and trust and longing†¦feelings so strong that he was willing to risk anything for them, anything to be with me. Even his life. My body burned against his, growing increasingly turned on by the rapture and love on his face juxtaposed with the fierceness of the way he held me and kept pushing into me. Everything grew more intense – both physically and spiritually – and my body finally reached its breaking point. I came with a loud cry and thrashed against him, wanting to free my arms and wrap them around him. He continued holding me until he came, which didn’t take much longer. The full burst of his soul’s energy flooded me with his orgasm, and I heard myself moaning again at the joy of it. He thrust in a few more times, the motions growing slower and longer as his body took its release. The grip on my wrists loosened, and he shifted over to his side, taking me with him. I pressed against his chest, feeling the racing of his heart and sweat on his skin. My own heart was pounding too as my body reveled in its own satiation. Every part of me still tingled, and though there was really no way to get closer, I tried anyway. I wanted as much skin to touch as possible. I wanted as much of him blending into me as possible. He brushed the hair from my face and rained kisses down upon my forehead. â€Å"So that’s the full succubus effect, huh?† â€Å"Yup.† â€Å"Worth it,† he murmured. Already, I could see the loss of energy taking its toll. â€Å"Whatever the cost, worth it.† I refused to allow myself to ponder that cost. Making love in the full throes of my succubus abilities might have added a powerful element, but it had undoubtedly taken years off his life. It wasn’t for me to decide if it had been worth it, though. He’d made this choice. Said choice was exhausting him, and I knew he’d soon sleep for a very long time as his body and soul recovered their losses. I shifted so that we changed positions, bringing his head to lie against my breasts. â€Å"Rest,† I said, wrapping my arms around him. He tilted his head, looking up at me with warm, sleepy eyes. â€Å"Don’t want to sleep yet†¦I want to stay with you. Will you be here in the morning this time?† â€Å"Yes,† I said, kissing the top of his head. â€Å"I promise. I won’t leave you again.† A small smile played over his lips, and he allowed his lids to close. He snuggled against me, body relaxing. â€Å"The world†¦Ã¢â‚¬  he said softly, as sleep began taking him. â€Å"You are the world, Letha†¦.† I stiffened. â€Å"What did you say?† My voice was too loud, jarring enough to momentarily startle him out of the slumber his body now longed for. â€Å"Hmm? I said you were the world, Georgina.† He gave a small yawn. â€Å"That’s not what you called me,† I said, trying to keep my voice calm. â€Å"What did I call you? Thetis?† Oh, if only. If only it had been his nickname for me. â€Å"You called me†¦Letha.† He fought to keep his eyes open and yawned again. â€Å"Why would I have said that?† â€Å"I†¦don’t know. Where did you hear it?† Yes, indeed. Where would he have heard my name? Hardly anyone knew it. Greater immortals knew it, and that was pretty much it. The only lesser immortals who did were Niphon and Kristin, who’d had access to my records. I was pretty sure they’d never told my other immortal friends. I was confident they’d never told Seth. Seth’s brow furrowed a little, then smoothed as he closed his eyes again. â€Å"Don’t know. Greek myths, I guess. The River Lethe, where the dead go to wash away the memories from their souls†¦to forget the past. Isn’t that right?† â€Å"Yes,† I said, scarcely breathing. Where did he pull that name from? â€Å"Letha, Lethe†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I could barely hear him now. â€Å"Almost the same.† â€Å"Almost,† I agreed. My voice was nearly as inaudible as his. My name. He shouldn’t have known my name. A panic I couldn’t explain began fluttering within me. Something about my mood must have still penetrated his haze because he stirred slightly, though his eyes remained closed. There was worry in his drowsy words. â€Å"What’s wrong?† â€Å"Nothing. Get some rest.† Where had he heard my name? Minutes ago I’d been on fire. Now I felt cold. â€Å"You sure?† he murmured. â€Å"Everything’s okay?† He exhaled deeply, and I felt him succumb to sleep with those last words. â€Å"Fine,† I said, staring off into the night. â€Å"Everything’s fine.† How to cite Succubus Shadows Chapter 25, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Depreciation Check Account Policies Company-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Depreciation Check Account Policies Company? Answer: Introducation Analytical review is the preliminary stage in the audit planning. The auditors of the company are required to conduct the analytical review of the financial statements of the company which are unaudited. In this the auditors perform the ratio analysis and the trend analysis based on the financial statements of the earlier three consecutive years (ACCA, 2016). Along with the analytical review the auditor is required to conduct the preliminary judgment of the items which can have the material effect on the financial position and the financial performance of the company (Ullah, 2014). Rationale For Selection The bank loan accounting has been selected at first for the purpose of the analysis. It represents the amount of the loan taken by the company for the purpose of the expansion of the business. It has been selected because of the no movement of the loan account for the last two years. The balance of the loan is same (PCAOB, 2017). Assertion And Explanation The assertion that has been made is that the amount of bank loan has been made in tact with an amount of 240000 dollars irrespective of the passing of period of the two years. In other words, the amount of loan is same as on 2016 and as on 2017, no payment has been made during the last two years. Recommended Audit Procedure The auditor is required to perform the additional audit procedures as to obtaining the sanction letter of the bank or the financial institutions from whom the loan has been obtained and what are the terms and conditions that have been laid down with the sanction letter regarding the mode of payment and the time of payment. The auditor is required to check whether the company is under the moratorium period or had defaulted in making the payment to the banks or concerned financial institutions. Interest income is the source of revenue that the company earns from the fixed deposit made with the bank or from the funds deposited with other institutions. It has been selected because of the decrease in the figures irrespective of the increase in the revenue of the company. Assertion And Explanation The assertion that has been made while selecting the account for the purpose of the analysis is that the company has not earned the income in relation to the figure of the revenue earned by the company. The interest income has been declined from $ 50 in the year 2016 to $44 in the year of 2017. It depicts that the company has either failed to book the interest income in the accounting books or else had not followed the proper way of depositing the money or advancing the money in the market. Recommended Audit Procedure The auditor in this case is required to check the securities in which the company has made the deposits or the other entities where the company has invested their amount in order to earn interest income. Secondly, the auditor shall check whether the company has accounted for all the interest income that has been earned by the company whether it has been accounted for the same periods. The miscellaneous expense has been selected because the company has incurred the miscellaneous expense amounting to 1320 in the current year. Secondly the miscellaneous expense consists of the expense which cannot be bifurcated and is common for all type of the business whether it is trading, manufacturing or the service providing company. The assertion that has been placed is that the company has incurred the zero value of the expense under the head of miscellaneous expense in the previous year where as in the current year under consideration, the company has incurred the expenditure of 1320. It depicts that the company has started incurring certain expenditures which have not been incurred earlier before. There might be the possibility that the company might have incurred certain expenditure which might be disallowable as per Income Tax laws and therefore the basic name of the expenditure has been removed rather has been clubbed under the head of Miscellaneous expense. The auditors of the company shall extend their audit procedures with the introduction of the test of balances and test of controls. In this regard it will be checked whether the company has been able to substantiate the expenditure incurred with the supporting evidence. The second procedure is to check the linkage of the expenditure so incurred with the nature of the business of the company. The accounts receivable consists of the customers of the companies from whom the company have the legal right to receive the payments. The accounting trial balance of the company depicts that the company has not received any payments from the accounts receivables from the last previous year till the current year. Because of this nature, the accounts have been selected. The assertion that has been made by the auditor of the company is that the company does not focus at all on the liquidity ratio of the company and how far the company will be able to make the liquid cash available from the market. The second assertion that has been made by the auditor is that the account receivable may contain certain parties which may be bogus. It is because of the covenants that the banks or the financial institutions made while issuing the loan like maintenance of the current ratio in accordance with minimum stipulated value like 1.32 or 1.40. The auditor is required to perform the extra checks to see whether the accounts receivables so shown by the company are genuine and real and it tallies with the sale invoices and the bank details supporting each sale recorded and payment received respectively. The interest expense is the expense that the company incurs on the amount borrowed from the financial institutions or banks or some other parties. The interest amount majorly affects the financial statements of the company in the materialistic manner. The rationale for selecting the account for the analysis is to ascertain what type of amounts is included in the expense and from where the same has been originated. The first assertion that has been made by the auditor of the company is that how the interest expense has been recognized during the year irrespective of the fact that no payment has been made for the loan during the year. It has been kept intact for the last two consecutive years. The second assertion that has been made by the auditor is that on what basis the interest expense over the last two years has been decreased from 12000 to 10541.667 rather it shall be increased as when the borrower fails to make the payment for one month then it goes on accumulating and the interest thereon is charged as per the compounding interest method. The first audit procedure that is recommended for the auditor is to check the schedule of payment if any provided by the banks and how the company has treated the same in the books of accounts. Secondly, the documents relating to the entries made in the books of accounts shall be checked and reviewed on regularly basis. The inventory plays the important role in the financial management as it tells about how much goods are possessed by the company as on date and how the same shall be dealt with in the books of accounts of the company. On the hypothecation of the inventory the company can easily obtains the loan from the banks or the financial institutions (Anastasia, 2015). Assertion And Explanation The first assertion that is made by the auditor is that how the inventory equals to the approximate cost of the goods that have been sold in the market in the current year as well as in the previous year. The second assertion is that despite of the lower cost of sales, the company has reported the higher turnover in the current year as well as in the previous year. The auditor shall at first check the valuation of inventory along with the bills supporting the valuation. Secondly the auditor shall have the bin card so as to assess whether the company has been following the FIFO method or the weighted average method. Depreciation is the expense on the loss of wear and tear of the asset of the company. The basis for selection of the depreciation expense is the variation in the figures in relation to the asset figure of the company. The depreciation has been selected for the study because it gives the tax saving to the company concerned. The first assertion that has been made by the auditor of the company is that the depreciation might be inflated so as to have the extra tax savings on the allowable expense of depreciation and how the same have been accounted in the books of accounts. The second assertion that has been made by the auditor of the company is that the depreciation amount might have been wrongly calculated. The auditor shall calculate the depreciation on its own and check the accounting policies adopted by the company with regard to its useful life of an asset. References ACCA, (2016), Analytical Procedures, available on https://www.accaglobal.com/vn/en/student/exam-support-resources/professional-exams-study-resources/p7/technical-articles/analytical-procedures.html accessed on 27-09-2017. Anastasia, (2015), Financial Statement Analysis : An Introduction available on https://www.cleverism.com/financial-statement-analysis-introduction/ accessed on 27-09-2017 PCAOB, (2017), Analytical Procedures available at https://pcaobus.org/Standards/Archived/Pages/AU329A.aspx accessed on 27-09-2017 Ullah A, (2014), Planning and Audit of Financial Statements available on https://leaccountant.com/2014/12/08/asa-300-summary-planning-an-audit-of-financial -statements/ accessed on 27-09-2017

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Urban Economics Essay Example

Urban Economics Essay Consider a region with a workforce of 12 million. The urban utility curve reaches its maximum with 3 million workers and includes the following combinations: Workers (millions)1234689101112 Utility (pounds)32567065554540353025 Initially, there is a single city with 12 million workers. Suppose the government establishes a new city with 1 million workers, leaving 11 million workers in the old city. a)Assume that the number of cities remains at 2. What happens next? What is the new equilibrium city size? First, taking into account the information given in the table, it is necessary to construct the utility curve for each of the values given: (Graphic) It can be seen that in the initial situation (12 million workers in one city), the utility per worker is 25 ?. If the number of cities remains at 2 (A B), leaving in one of them 11 million workers and 1 million workers in the other one, it can be appreciated in the graphic that the utility per worker in the first city will be 30 ? er worker and 32 ? per worker in the second. The utility curve reaches its maximum with 3 million workers in a city (point M), at this point; the utility per worker maximizes welfare according to city size. Because in this case there is no equilibrium, people will want to move from there in order to get a better welfare level. There are 2 possibilities, to move to city A or to move to city B, as it is shown in the graphic. We will write a custom essay sample on Urban Economics specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Urban Economics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Urban Economics specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer If workers decide to move to city B, city A would disappear and people would like to come back to the city A to have the anterior level of welfare, because the utility per worker in a city of 1 million workers (32 pounds per worker) is higher than the utility in a city of 12 million workers (25 ? per worker). On the other hand, if workers decide to move from city B to city A, they would not want to come back to the anterior level of welfare because in this case, the utility per worker in a city of 10 million people (35? er worker) is higher than the utility in a city of 11 million people (30? per worker). Moreover, city A will have 2 million workers and will reach a higher level of welfare than before (56 instead of 32? per worker), so workers will not want to come back to the previous level of welfare, as it can be observed in the graphic. As it can be seen in the graphic, after this reallocation of workers, we have a 2 million workers city (A) and 10 million workers city (B). (Grap hic) Workers in city B would want to have a higher level of welfare than their actual level. For this reason they would prefer to move to city A, in order to make it real. If doing so, city B would have 9 million workers and its level of utility would be higher than before (40 instead of 35 ? per worker) and city A would get 3 million workers, reaching the maximum point at the utility curve (70 ? instead of 56 ? per worker) as it can be seen in the graphic: (graphic) At this point, during this reallocation, city A has reached the maximum utility per worker (from 32 to 70? per worker) and workers in city B have a better level of welfare than before (from 30 to 40? er worker). It is considered as the new equilibrium city size, because workers from city A wouldn’t want to change and workers from city B despite they could have a better level of output, are facing a stable situation because the utility curve is negatively sloped. If workers from city B continue moving to city A in order to get a higher level of welfare, they will get it, but workers that actually live in c ity A will see how their level of welfare will decrease because they will not be anymore at the maximum point of the utility curve. The final equilibrium in this situation would be a region with 2 cities of 6 million workers each one, where the utility level would be 55? per worker, as we can see in the graphic. (graphic) b)Suppose that the government establishes 3 new cities, each with 1 million workers (leaving 9 million in the old city). What happens next? Will the region reach the optimum configuration of 4 cities, each with 3 million workers? c)Suppose your objective is to reach the optimum configuration and you establish 3 new cities. What is the minimum number of workers to be placed initially in each of the new cities?